We’ve received more requests lately from customers asking how to reprint an agendio. We haven’t mentioned this in a while, so we decided to resend our how-to email. It’s very simple:

  • Go to your account, scroll down to the Products section and look for the agendio you wish to reprint;
  • Roll over Options and click on Update & Re‑order. This will bring you to the Builder and load your agendio automatically;
  • Review each section of the Builder to be sure that every part of your agendio is customized as you want it. In particular, check that your activities and events are still correct, that the dates are still valid and that your cover details are as you want them to be;
  • Once you’re sure that all is good, add to cart and checkout.

And while we’re showing you the rollover, it’s a good time to remind you of some of the other options we offer on the account page: 

  • Order details: See a summary of your order. Very useful if you think you made a mistake;
  • Preview planner: The same preview as on the review page;
  • Add to models library: Select this option to add every model in your agendio to your models library;
  • Modify my order: After you make a purchase, we allow you to make small modifications to your agendio, such as adding a forgotten event.






We’ve started to receive mail from customers, asking how to reprint last year’s planner. It occurs to us that many of you may be wondering the same thing, so we thought we’d let everyone know. It’s actually very simple:

1. Go to your account, scroll down to the “Products” section and look for the agendio you wish to reprint;

2. Roll over “Options” and click on “Reprint planner”. This will bring you to the Builder and load your agendio automatically;


3. Review each section of the Builder to be sure that every part of your agendio is customized as you want it. In particular, check that your activities and events are still correct and that the dates are still valid.

4. Once you’re sure that all is good, add to cart and checkout.

Please remember that we are entering the peak time of the year for planners, so there is more risk of delays in manufacture or delivery. Consider reordering now, to be sure you have yours in hand when you want it.


Parlez-vous agendio?



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